miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

video halloween-youtube

You tell the history of halloween in the radio



My name is ___Andrea__________ I am ___15 years-old____ I live _in Maoño_______
Here's some more information about me:
I like ____swim_____________
I hate ________footboll________
My best friends _______are fantastics and I love them___________________
I collect / I don´t collect ____I don't collect Stamps___________. For example:
I'm scared of ______spiders________________________
For breakfast, I have ____biscuit,milk and orange juice________________________
The food that I like most is ____Spaghetti _________________
My most precious possession is ____my Diary ____________
The person / thing who / which annoys me most ___Nobody________
If I were an animal __Dolphin_____________
My best friend would describe me as ___Make happy ________________
If I could change my name it would be ___Deva_______________
I can't resist ____to chocolate______________________
My number one of (almost) everything:
TV show: ___Gran Hermano______________
Film/movie: ____Titanic____________
actor: ____Leonard Dicaprio________________
actress: _____
Penelope Cruz______________
music group / artist: ____ELCDL______
food: ______spaguetti_______________
sports team / person: __swim / David Meca_______
My message to the world:_Do the love and not the war_____________